Corporate Profile

In-house System

We have an in-house system that can handle everything from planning, designing and development of products to realizing, delivering and after-sales service of products. We are determined to educate-and-train our employees as excellent professionals provide better products and services to our customers.


Qualification (example)
Food Machinery Engineer
40-hour Safety Design Education Completion Certificate due to the notice of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
Oil Combustion Equipment Technical Manager
Gas Consumption Equipment Installation/ Construction Supervisor
Food Safety Manager
Person in Charge of Food Labelling
Dry Food Maestro (Advanced)
”Voluntary Planner” appointed by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

Manufacturing System

We have our own self-contained production line, consisting of “sheet metal processing”, “welding”, “painting” and “assembling” at the headquarters location.

Our customers can get meticulous and quick manufacturing response from us with a one-stop shopping.

Major machines used in manufacturing processes & roles